At Narrio, we provide a unique streaming platform for artists to showcase their music. Submit your tracks today and gain benefits like social media exposure and a dedicated artist pageāall for free.
Empower Artists
Innovative Streaming
At Narrio, our mission is to provide a powerful streaming platform for artists to share their music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks with a global audience. We strive to create an inclusive environment where emerging talents can submit their work through our Submit Music form which allows us to feature them on our platform and promote them through our social media channels, enhancing their visibility and audience growth. By joining us in beta, artists will enjoy early access to the app and receive detailed information via email on how to download and utilize their dedicated artist user panel, along with additional features that will help them connect with their fans and build their brand.
Since our inception, Narrio has been dedicated to providing a unique streaming experience for artists and audiences alike. Our platform, available on iOS and Google, revolutionizes how music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks are consumed. We are currently in beta, but as an early applicant, artists can gain significant exposure by joining us as we prepare for our official launch.
Music Artist Advocate
John is passionate about helping emerging artists gain visibility through Narrio, ensuring they thrive in the ever-evolving music landscape.
Artist Relations Manager
Jane focuses on building relationships with artists, guiding them through the submission process to ensure their music reaches a wider audience.
Community Engagement Director
Emily drives our outreach efforts, ensuring artists are informed about our platform benefits like social media exposure and early access.
We are dedicated to providing a platform where artists can submit their music and gain significant visibility.
Artists featured on our platform will be promoted through our social media ads, helping to grow their audience.
Artists can link their social media pages, including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, directly to their artist profile.
By submitting your music, you will gain early access to our platform, along with exclusive updates on how to download the app.
Join Narrio, the streaming platform for music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. As an artist, you can submit your music and get featured on our platform. Here are the benefits you will enjoy: