At Narrio, we offer a unique streaming platform that allows music artists to showcase their talent and reach a wider audience. Join us for free during our beta launch!
Join Narrio, a streaming platform for iOS and Google, where you can showcase your music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. Submit your tracks to gain visibility and early access to our platform.
By submitting your music, you can be featured in our social media ads, helping you grow your audience and connect with more fans across multiple platforms.
We will create an artist page for you, enabling you to reach out to your followers while linking your social media accounts including Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok, and YouTube.
Be among the first artists on our platform while it’s in beta and enjoy exclusive access to our app along with promotions that guarantee you great exposure upon our official release.
Join Narrio and let your music shine! Submit your tracks to get featured on our platform:
At Narrio, we empower artists like you to take control of your music journey. By submitting your music, you can create your own artist page on our platform. This is your chance to showcase your work and gain exposure across our social media channels—all for free!
Submit MusicUnlock various promotional options with Narrio to grow your audience. From linking your social media profiles to featuring in our early beta launch promotions, this is a unique opportunity to enhance your visibility as an artist.
Explore BenefitsAt Narrio, we are excited to welcome music artists to our streaming platform app for iOS and Google. This is a unique opportunity for you to showcase your music and connect with a wider audience. Here's what you need to know about submitting your music:
Narrio is a streaming platform app for iOS and Google, where you can stream music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. We invite music artists to submit their work and gain exposure by being featured on our platform. As an artist, you can enjoy the benefits of being included in our social media ads, which will help grow your audience. Submit your music now and become one of the first artists to access early features of the app!
Welcome to Narrio, a premier streaming platform for music, videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. By using our services, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions. Your privacy is paramount, and we take strong measures to safeguard your personal data in line with our Privacy Policy. For detailed legal information, please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
If you are a music artist, we welcome you to Submit Music for an opportunity to have your profile created on our platform, which can significantly increase your audience through our social media promotions. In addition, you will have the chance to include links to your social media pages, including Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok, and YouTube. This service is currently free, and by being among the first artists, you will receive exclusive early access when we launch the platform. We will send you all necessary details to download the app and grant you access to an artist user panel.